8.3 °C

About The Area 27 Weather Station

Observations are powered by a Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station

These webpages display real-time and historical weather information at Area 27 Motorsports Park in Oliver, British Columbia, Canada. Area 27 Motorsports Park is the preemiment motorsport facility in Western Canada.

The major components of the Area 27 Weather Station are:

  • Station hardware: Vantage Pro2 - Davis Weather Stations
  • WeeWX version: 4.5.1
  • Belchertown Skin Version: 1.2
  • WXFeeds: an extension to WeeWX to get information from various RSS/Atom feeds

Aviation weather and forecasts from the NOAA Aviation Weather Center and current weather and forecasts from Environment Canada (and other sites) are retrieved by an extension to WeeWX written by Garry Lockyer. WXFeeds will be available on github soon but in the meantime, don't hesitate to contact Garry for more information or to get a copy of WXFeeds.

  • Server uptime: 26 days, 16 hours, 56 minutes
  • WeeWX uptime: 26 days, 16 hours, 55 minutes
  • eth0: Not Available
  • wlan0:

If you think there is a problem with this weather station, such as the real time data not updating every 2 - 3 seconds or the other sections not updating at all, please call me (Garry Lockyer) at +1.250.689.0686. Call ANY TIME! REALLY!! ANY TIME!!! The sooner I learn of a problem, the sooner I can fix it. Thanks!