Terms of Service
Terms of Service
This forum is provided by Garry Lockyer (Unit 101, Garry@lockyer.ca, +1.250.689.0686) and IS NOT in any way sponsored by any other individual, group, organization, etc. Specifically it is not connected with or controlled in any way by the SHC or the developer of the Cottage on Osoyoos Lake. This forum is hosted on a "virtual private server (VPS)." It is not connected to any other social media platform nor is it connected to any advertising agencies - and it never will be. Information, including any content and information about members/participants will not be made available to non-homeowners. The server is expected to be highly available but no level of service is committed to. Each member/participant is responsible for the comments and material they post. Registrations will be validated against a list of shareholders (properly acquired under the BC Corporations Act by Garry Lockyer on November 6, 2020). No homeowner/shareholder will be barred from participating in this forum, unless the break the Platinum Rule below. Only homeowners/shareholders will be allowed to participate - no agents, renters, employees (that are not homeowners/shareholders) will be granted access. Authenticated homeowners/shareholders are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the forum. The Platinum Rule is simple: NO BULLYING!